Barricklow Probate Records - 1

A reminder that the spelling here will most likely represent that taken directly from the original record, or perhaps off microfilm copy of same, or from a well-known compilation. It does not necessarily represent the preferred spelling by the individual, his family or his descendants.


Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

BARKELOW, Conrod, of Middlesex Co., Intestate:

1754,Feb.19, Citation to Margaret, widow, and Daniel, son of, as surviving executors of his will, to prove the same.

1754,Mar.14, Letter from Daniel Barcolowe at New Brunswick, pleading his mothers illness for not having come in obedience to the citation.

1754,Mar.14, Letter from Daniel Barricklo, at Ten Mile Run, reporting, that his house had been broken into and his fathers will stolen, with other papers. NJA(1st Ser.)(1751-1760),Vol.32,p.22.

Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

BARKLOW, William, of Somerset Co.,Ward:

1763,Oct.5, Son of Farrington Barklow, of said Co., Deceased, who makes his choice of John Van Dyke as his guardian.

1763,Oct.5, Guardian- John Van Dike of Somerset Co., yeoman. Fellowbondsman- Daniel Barcolow, of Middlesex Co.,yeoman. NJA(1st Ser.)(1760-1771),Vol.33,p.

Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

BARCLOW, William, of Somerset Co.,Intestate:

1777,Apr.28, Administrator, John Bergen, of Hunterdon Co., farmer. Fellowbondsman- Jacobus Bergen, of Somerset Co.,yeoman.

1777,Apr.15, Inventory-(in pounds,shillings,pence) 208.15.7, made by Peter Nevius and Lucas Vorhees. NJA(1st Ser.)(1771-1780),Vol.34,p.34.

Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

BARKALOW, Fereton, of Somerset Co.,Ward:

1778,Jun.1, Son of William Barkalow, of Said Co., Deceased. Said ward states that he is seven(7) years of age, and his mother and father are both dead, and having personal estate, makes choice of John Bergen as his Guardian, till he comes to the age of 14 years.

1778, Jun.1, Guardian, John Bergen, of Hunterdon Co.,yeoman. Fellowbondsmen- James Bergen and Jeromus Rappelye, both of Somerset Co.,yeomen. NJA(1st Ser.)(1771-1780),Vol.34,p.34.

Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

BARRICKLO, Daniel, of Middlesex Co.,Will of:

1798,Oct.25, Wife,Mary, the farm known as the old homestead; also the dwelling I now occupy, barn outhouses, and all farming utensils, together with a woodlot adjoining land of Abraham Quick, to corner of Ebert Hogeland's land; likewise all my stock of cattle and two Negro boys, Sam and Jack, while my widow. Youngest son, Stoffel, the said homestead farm,etc., after my wife's decease or marriage(except the two Negro boys); he paying 300-pounds for same. Sons, William and Cornelius, lot of land known as Rubert's Lotm the place whereon the said William now lives. Children- Conrad, Ghearchy, Hendrick, John, Elizabeth, Farrington, William, Anne, Aulchy, Catharine, Margaret, Cornelius and Mary, the remainder of real estate and personal estate to be equally divided between them. Executors- Farnton and Stoffel Barricklow, and Hendrick Van Dike. Witnesses- Aaron Cowling, Thomas Pierce. Proved- Dec.7,1801.

1801, Nov.7, Inventory- taken by Andrew McDowell and Aaron Cowling, but not totalled.

Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

BARRICKLO, Cornelius, of Franklin Twp.,Somerset Co.,Intestate:

1802,Jun.15, Administrators- Elizabeth Barricklo and Farrington Barricklo. Fellowbondsmen- Elbert Stoothoff and Hendrick Van Liew, all of said Co.

Inventory, $994.75, made by Hendrick Van Liew. NJA(1st Ser.)(1801-1805),Vol.39,p.

Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

BARRICKLO, Mary, of Middlesex Co.:

1805,Sep.2, Inventory- $171.00. Sworn to by Stoffel Barricklo, made by Aaron Cowling and Barent Johnson.

Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

BARRICKLO, Farrington, of South Brunswick Twp., Middlesex Co.,Will of:

1817,Aug.30, Wife, Mary, residue of personal estate, during widowhood, after which it is to be divided between all my children equally, i.e., John, David, William, Sarah and Elizabeth R. If any of said children marry or choose to live by himself, wife to give such on outset. Son, John, one lot in the Coonew Ridge tract(being part of lands of Daniel Barricklo,dec'd). Son, Daniel, lot no.19 in same tract. Son, William, 3 lots in same called the Bush Ridge lots on the turnpike road; also my weaver's loom. Daughter, Sarah(wife of Richard Selover), one lot bought of Jacob Schank in South Amboy Twp.,(12 acres) adjoining William Reed. Daughter, Elizabeth, lot adjoining Dr. Reeves. Rest of real estate to be sold at discretion of Executors and proceeds with rest of estate to children equally. Executors- wife,Mary, sons, John F., Daniel F. and William. Witnesses- Thomas McDowell, Reuben Van Pelt, Thomas L. McDowell.

1817, Oct.22, Inventory- $2,458.50; by Thomas McDowell & Samuel Coombs. Proved-Oct.29,1817. NJA,Vol.42,p.27.

Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

VAN LIEW, Hendrick, of Middlebush, Somerset Co., will of:

1771,Dec.12, Hendrick Van Liew, of Middlebush, Somerset Co., will of: Wife, Charity, all lands and personal estate, during her life. Son, Frederick, the rest of that plantation: that he hath a deed for; also 1/2 of the lands where Hendrick Van Liew lives. Grandchildren, Coonrod, Hendrick and Charity Barkelow, f500. Grandson, William Barkelow, the land which he now holds, he paying to my grandchildren, John, Henderick and Abraham Schenk, Mary, Charity, Catherine, Else and Lena Schank,f300. Farrenton Vandevender,f60. Charity and Mary Vandervere,f50 to each. Executors- son, Frederick, and Lawrence Vandervere. Witnesses- Jacques Van Liew, Jeremiah Van Liew, John Butler. Proved- Dec.16,1777.

1777, Dec.16. Inventory-,f300.13.11, made by Cornelius Weyckoff and Barnardus Gerretson. NJA(1st Ser.)(1771-1780),Vol.34,p.546.

Calendar of Wills - New Jersey Archives

RAPPELYEA, Cornelius, of Somerset Co., will of:

1777,Mar.18, To my wife, the house where I live while my widow; and goods given to her by her father. Sons, George Anderson Rappelyea and Jeromis Rappelyea, all my lands. Daughters, Aeltje Rappelyea, wife of John Bergen; and to the heirs of my daughter, Jacomjnaks, who was the wife of William Barkelow; and to my daughters, Mary, Sarah, and Elizabeth Rappelyea, all bonds and money. Executors- George A. Rappelyea, Jeromis Rappelyea and William Barkelow. Witnesses- Charles Fantine, George Anderson,Sr.

1777, Oct.5., Proved. Inventory- f438.5.6, made by Cornelius Mesler & Jeames Bergen. NJA(1st Ser.)(1771-1780),Vol.34,p.415.

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