Bartlow/Barklow Census - 1860 - Part A

A reminder: the spelling here will represent that taken from the census itself and may not represent the major branch spelling, the anticipated or current spelling by the individual, his family or his descendants.

The 1860 census did not record relationships for household occupants, something I can provide from my research and additional data from the actual census, upon request.

Lastname Firstname Sex Age POB County Township Pg. Occup/Value Wife/Children/Comments
Barklow John m 64 NJ Sussex Frankford 422 Day Labor,100 Martha,69,NJ.
Bartlow William D. m 34 NJ Sussex Montague 196 Farmer,6500/630 Elizabeth,27,NJ.
Barcalow Mary f 17 NJ Sussex Newton 323 Domestic,--- Enum.w/ John Snook, 40,NJ; Amelia,36,NJ; Oscar,14,NJ.

Lastname Firstname Sex Age POB County Township Pg. Occup/Value Wife/Children/Comments
Barklow William m 59 PA Cumberland Shippensburg 752 Laborer, ---/30 Anna,69,PA.
Barklow John m 34 PA Cumberland Shippensburg 758 Laborer, ---/30 Mary,36; Wm.,10; James,9; John,6; Samuel,3; Benj.11m., all b. PA.
Barclow Ab. m 25 PA Franklin Southampton 877 Day Laborer, ---/50 D.(f),23,PA; Benjamin,1,PA.
Barclow William m 28 PA Franklin Southampton 877 Day Laborer, ---/50 A.M.(f),29; J.M.(m),7; S.A.(f),5; J.F.(m),3., all b.PA.
Barklow R.(Rensler) m 47 PA Union Buffaloe 702 Laborer, ---/150 M.(f),54; Ge.(m),16; M.(f),14; C.(f),13; C.(m),12; J.(m),11, all b.PA.
Barklow George m 29 PA Union Lewisburg (N.Ward) 843 Laborer, ---/150 J.(m),4; M.(f),26; L.(f),11m., all b.PA.
Barklow Catharine f 13 PA Union Limestone 908 Att'd Schl Enum.w/ John Stees,47,PA,farmer; Cath.,48;, all b.PA.
Barklow Phillip m 29 PA Wayne Salem 600 Farmer, 380/200 Mary A.,20; Caroline,3; James,4; Alex,2; Iva, all b.PA.
Barklow Ann f 30 PA Wayne Bethany 002 Domestic Enum.w/ W.C. Phelps,40,PA,physician; Mary A.,38,PA;
Bartlow Alexander m 30 NJ Luzerne Jefferson 285 Laborer, ---/50 Margaret J.,20,NJ; Rosella A.,PA.
Bartlow John m 12 PA Luzerne Jefferson 296 None Enum.w/ Jos. Rosenkrantz,30,PA,Laborer; Anna,24,PA;
Bartlow Ellenor f 23 PA Luzerne Jefferson 296 Servant Enum.w/ Jos. Rosenkrantz,30,PA,Laborer; Anna,24,PA;
Bartlo Charles m 56 NJ Luzerne Jefferson 296 Farmer, 100/200 Mahala,55,NJ; Jane,25,NJ; Angeline,18,PA; Henry,20,PA; Lizella,15,PA; and Alphius Sherwood,55.
Bartlow Richard m 42 PA Luzerne Jefferson 303 Farmer, 300/50 Jane,38,NJ; Lena,18; Mary,16; Lucinda, 14; Wm.,9; Fredk.,9; all b.PA., and Jane Berg, 6m.,PA.
Bartlow Susan f 50 PA Northumberland Sunbury 625 Widow, --- John,19, Boatman; Robbert,16, Boatman,PA; all enum. w/ Catharine Withington, 72,PA.
Bartlow Alex m 28 PA Lycoming Franklin 210 Farmer, 3000/1000 Eliz,26; John,4; James,2;, all b.PA.
Bartlow William m 27 PA Lycoming Franklin 214 Farmer, 1000/350 Mary Ann,23,PA; Evaline,1,PA; Margaret,72,CAN.
Bartlow Ira m 43 PA Lycoming Franklin 217 Farmer, 1200/600 Juliann,40,PA; David L.,4,PA; Horace,2,PA.
Bartlow Jacob B. m 48 NJ Lycoming Franklin 222 Farmer, 2000/800 Nancy,56,NJ; Albert,18,PA.
Bartlow Margaret f 67 NJ Lycoming Moreland 485 Widow, 800/300 Rebecca,30; Cath.,25; George,21; Joseph,6, all b.PA.
Bartlow Catharine f 75 NJ Lycoming Moreland 485 None, ---300 Living alone
Bartlow Amos m 31 NJ Lycoming Moreland 492 Millwright, 400/155 Mary J.,25; Jos.,5; Margt.,5; Wm.,3; Lovena,1, all b.PA.
Bartlow Richard m 24 PA Lycoming Penn 653 Laborer, ---/100 Mary,24; Daniel,2; Cath. L.,1; Cath. Barnet,8, all b.PA.
Bartlow John m 28 PA Lycoming Shrewsbury 715 Carpenter, 425/140 Eliz.,26; Mary C.,3; Rosetta,8m., all b.PA.

1850 1 1850 2 1850 3 : 1860 1 1860 2 1860 3 : 1870 1 1870 2 1870 3 : 1880 1 1880 2 1880 3 1880 4 : 1900 1 1900 2 1900 3 1900 4
Rev. 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1900

Barkalow-1860 Barkuloo-1860 Barricklow-1860 Bartlow-1860 Burklow-1860

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